If you consider a prenuptial agreement as a sign of mistrust in a relationship, you are not alone. Many people mistakenly view these contracts as a formality that turns a romantic relationship into a business transaction. At its core, a marriage license is a contract...
Honolulu Family Law Blog
How to focus on the best interests of the children during divorce
During custody proceedings, family court judges consider the best interest of the child. This means that they will do what they can to ensure that these children receive placement in the best environment for their physical, mental and emotional well-being. However,...
Do deployment orders affect my custody agreement?
Military members sacrifice a lot for their country, and at times, this includes sacrificing time with their families. Receiving deployment orders can take a parent away from their child for an extended period of time. This situation becomes complicated when a service...
How divorce can happen without a fight
While not a fun process, divorce need not involve a fight. Especially for families with children, going through a divorce smoothly often benefits everyone involved. If you and your partner reached the difficult decision of ending the marriage, prioritizing your...
3 FAQs about a military divorce
The dissolution of marriage never comes easy, especially for military families. The challenges associated with military life make it one of the careers with the highest divorce rate. As you navigate the process, you likely have many questions. 1. What state should I...
How do courts determine child custody?
Parents who are divorcing should understand how Hawaii's courts determine child custody. There are many factors that the courts consider when making custody orders. In addition, families can share custody in several different ways. Determining child custody Judges...
Tips for creating a sound parenting plan for your divorce
Hawaii courts require a parenting plan as part of any child custody settlement. A parenting plan is creating clear expectations, rights and roles of each parent for the children as well as clarifying the process for dealing with disagreements. There are a few things...
Divorce mediation basics to know
Mediation helps parties in a divorce come to a settlement agreement. It can save you money compared to litigation. Mediation also helps you resolve your case faster because you eliminate the time waiting for hearings to litigate your settlement. If you are not...
What factors determine spousal support?
A court may order spousal support to ensure that both parties can enjoy a similar standard of living even though they are no longer living together. This is also called spousal maintenance. The Hawaii State Legislature allows courts to award spousal maintenance based...
Questions about grandparent visitation rights in Hawaii
Many circumstances may cause a grandparent to lose access to their grandchildren. Divorce, separation or the death of one parent may have a ripple effect that limits contact between grandparents and their grandchildren. Or in some cases, the parents may limit...